Month: Ottobre 2016

Data Geeks Are Taking Over Economics

by ad_minitst_aff ad_minitst_aff Nessun commento

For a few decades, economists used to imagine how the world works, write down a theory describing their idea, and call it a day. If some statisticians came along and found some support for the theory, well, great! But usually they didn’t, and that was fine too. As one old joke put it, if an idea worked in practice, economists would ask whether it worked in theory.

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Overcoming Our Inordinate Fear of Inflation

by ad_minitst_aff ad_minitst_aff Nessun commento

The harm of inflation cited in economics textbooks seems laughably unimportant. For example, inflation generates so-called shoe-leather costs — a term for the hassle of moving money from one’s brokerage or savings account to one’s checking account. This hassle is larger when prices change a lot, since you have to put spending cash in your wallet more often.

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