Photo and Video

The Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia celebrates 45 years of history

Caltagirone, the speech at the Messaggero's Forum at Campidoglio


The newspaper Il Messaggero lights up for its 145 years of history

Circular economy from sustainability to intelligent mobility

Circular economy from sustainability to intelligent mobility

Forced to Grow: strategies for Italy

Mind the Gap

Pope Francis to Messaggero newspaper: "I wish you another 140 years in the service of the citizens".

The newspaper Il Mattino presents “from the South to the world. Voices and success stories “

The newspaper Il Messaggero takes 140 years of history

Le parole del futuro, Il Messaggero

The intervention of the Director of Il Messaggero Virman Cusenza

Avere 20 anni al Sud, Il Mattino

Maker Faire 2017

Evento ABI - Obbligati a crescere 2017

L'intervento del Direttore Virman Cusenza

Fotogallery evento “Obbligati a crescere 2017”

130 Anni del Gazzettino

L'evento a Palazzo Ducale

L'intervento del direttore Roberto Papetti

Evento ABI - Obbligati a crescere 2016

Fotogallery evento “Obbligati a crescere 2016”

Social Media Week

Social Media Week 2017

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